Philadelphia, PA
July 13-16, 2024

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Empowering Your Team Through Tactical Preparedness

  • Room: PCC – Room 201 B
  • Session Number:M111
Monday,July 15, 2024:2:45 PM -3:45 PM


Phillip Adams
Industry Engagement & Education
Kings III Emergency Communications
Zach Elmer
Wily Raven


No one ever plans for emergencies or disasters to occur within their buildings, but the unfortunate reality is that they do happen. The good news is that by being proactive and setting a system in place for how you will respond to these emergencies, you have the ability to take swift action that can alleviate rather than worsen the situation. You likely already have an EAP, but your plan shouldn’t just check a box. We will discuss how to improve your existing plan to prepare your property, staff, and tenants for worst-case scenarios. Our conversation will focus on active shooter scenarios, specifically in the areas of situational awareness, physical protection, and emergency medical response.




Learning Objectives

At the end of this sessions, participants will be able to:
1. Create an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) with template provided.
2. Understand how to respond to specific hazards.
3. Identify specific areas lacking in your current EAP.
4. Define responsibilities of assigned emergency personnel in hazardous scenarios.
